All Together Now: “Awwwwww”

What The F: Last night the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus came into town – and since the circus elephants can’t go up the Penn Station escalators, they got off the circus train a stop early in Queens and walked through the Mid-Town Tunnel, and straight across Manhattan to Madison Square Garden. Regardless of your feelings about the circus, and whether or not they’re treatment of animals is ethical – you must admit that this is quite the spectacle!  They also finished the parade off with a gaggle of mini ponies!  All together now: Awwwwwwww!

Where The F: 34th Street

2 Responses to “All Together Now: “Awwwwww””

  1. As a former circus employee, I can say they have been using this ruse for at least 30 years. They used to use the excuse that the train couldn’t go all the way into the Garden, so they had to use the tunnel. They find an excuse in every town to parade the animals. Of course they keep getting coverage, so they keep doing it.

  2. Ha, I’ve been duped!!!
    Oh well, still pretty odd site seeing those elephants walking around midtown.

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